Hello microschooling friends,
As we ease into what is most welcome about summer routines, we are excited to share everything we have been working on with our Nevada learners and families!
We spent the year running the Southern Nevada Urban Micro Academy, which showed what microschools powered by world-class learning tools and cutting-edge personalized learning approaches, can accomplish. We learned so much this year, accomplished powerful academic growth, and are excited to put our knowledge and tools to work for you.
As we shift out of running the daily operations of SNUMA, our focus is on growing the microschool movement. Not only do we still talk with families who are interested in microschooling (and we love these conversations, so keep them coming), we are also talking to employers, associations, and houses of worship. Microschooling offers notable benefits to both the members/employees as well as the organization. Is this something you would be interested in learning more about? Reach out and let us know!
We recently overhauled our MicroschoolingNV website, and would be grateful if you took a look. Drop us a line and let us know what you think, and check back often for updates.
We are also frequently adding new video content on our YouTube channel, including a microschooling playlist. What questions would you like to have answered in our video series?
We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and let us know how your year was, what you are thinking of doing for the upcoming school year, and any questions you might have.
Important News for Parents of Special-Needs Children
There is reason to be excited about a new, $5 million pot of funding available for children with special needs, wherever they choose to receive their learning. Thanks to the leadership of Senator Scott Hammond and Nevada Treasurer Zach Conine, the funds will be available to families for a wide range of educational needs, including the costs of tutoring and services available through diverse providers, assistive technology, even transportation.
Funds in the form of grants will be distributed through the digital wallet program of the ABLE Savings Program for qualified disability expenses administered by the State Treasurer. Details of grant size, specific application process, and allowable uses will be forthcoming from the Treasurer's office in the coming weeks. We will share more information on this exciting new program as it is available, and are happy to walk any of our families through the possible uses of these funds.
Microschooling Events
We are excited to start hosting a weekly series of microschooling meetups! Because of health safety protocols, we do require an RSVP for you to attend.
Thursday, June 24th @ 6pm: What Does Microschooling Look Like?
This event is for parents, future microschooling leaders, and anyone else who might be curious to learn more about microschooling. We will hear from several exciting microschooling leaders about the models they are running/opening here in Vegas, followed by a Q&A, along with time to talk with other microschooling families, and make connections that might be beneficial to you in your microschooling journey.
Thursday, July 1st @ 6pm: How Do I Start Microschooling?
This event is for parents and future microschooling leaders. We will give a brief overview of how to design your microschool, and answer any questions about how to take the next step in order to be ready to start microschooling in the fall.
Thursday, July 8th @ 6pm: Microschooling Leaders Connections
This event is for all current and future microschooling leaders. This is an opportunity to meet together and discuss microschooling solutions that have worked for you, as well as learn from other current and emerging leaders.
All events will be held at the Nevada Action for School Options office located at 6625 South Valley View Boulevard, Suite 422, Las Vegas, 89118.
To RSVP, please do one of the following: reply to this email, send an email to ashley@nevadaaction.org, or call 702-202-3573. Please let us know which event(s) you will be attending, and how many people will be attending with you.
Nevada Microschooling Connections:
Are you looking for your Microschooling connection? Drop us a line and let us help!
Nevada Microschooling Connections:
Are You Looking for Your Microschooling Connection? Drop us a line and let us help!
Let us know what you’re looking for (if you’re looking to join a microschooling group or looking to start your own), please include the grade range of your children and your email address. We will post this information in our newsletter in order to help make those connections (so please do not share any specific information such as children’s names, location, or phone numbers).
As always, we love to hear from you, and are happy to help in any way that we can. Please drop us a note to let us know how you’ve been and what you have been up to!
Thank you,
Don & Ashley