Hello Microschooling Friends,
As the summer quickly draws to a close, we hope you are feeling the excitement of all the possibilities that a new school year holds. We are looking forward to continuing to work with all of our current microschooling leaders and families, as well as working with our new leaders and families who are just starting their microschooling journey.
One very important aspect of our microschooling approach is setting goals that matter for, and with, each child. This newsletter contains information on how to begin these goal-setting conversations, as well as what to consider when setting goals.
We hope to see you at our next microschooling event August 5th! More details for this event are below.
Goal Setting That Matters
So often children are used to attending school and listening to a teacher tell them what to do. One important part of our microschooling approach is encouraging the child to come to the realization that every decision that they make matters, and ultimately their academic progress is something that they can own and have control over. This includes setting attainable goals and taking the steps needed to reach them.
As a microschooling leader, your approach to goal setting will likely depend on the learning tools that you use. The learning tools that we recommend have incredibly user-friendly dashboards that will allow you as a microschooling leader to see the progress the child is making. These dashboards will also show you the progress that the child needs to make in order to reach benchmark (which are often end-of-year) goals.
While these learning tools and dashboards are useful in determining progress, the best goal setting approach combines using these tools as a guide and creating individualized personal goals with each child. The world-class learning tools are a great starting point to begin these conversations with the children you serve. Not only do these learning tools offer insight to begin the goal setting process, it is also important for the child to see where they are in their learning.
We recommend sitting with each child at the start of a week to go over their progress with them, showing them the dashboard, and asking them where they want to be at the end of the week. As a microschooling leader, if you come to the table with a goal in mind for the child, be ready to offer it as a suggestion and willing to be flexible and listen to what their thoughts are for their goal.
Take a look at our goal setting training available here.
Next Microschooling Event: August 5th @ 6pm
Don’t miss our “How Do Parents Make Microschooling Decisions” event on Thursday, August 5th at 6pm at our Nevada Action for School Options Office located at 6625 S. Valley View, Suite Number 422, Las Vegas, 89118. As always, we will have some of our favorite microschooling leaders there to fill you in on what they are offering. We will be discussing how parents make microschooling decisions, what factors are important for microschooling leaders to understand, as well as the questions parents might want help thinking through when they make these decisions. We will also have gift card raffles! Each person in attendance will be entered into a drawing for gift cards (which can be used to buy learning products for your microschool or your own kiddos)! For health and safety reasons (and for snack reasons!) we need to know how many people will be in attendance, so RSVP’s are mandatory. Please RSVP to ashley@nevadaaaction.org or by calling 702-202-3573.
Nevada Microschooling Connections:
Are you looking for your Microschooling connection? Drop us a line and let us help!
Nevada Microschooling Connections:
Are You Looking for Your Microschooling Connection? Drop us a line and let us help!
Let us know what you’re looking for (if you’re looking to join a microschooling group or looking to start your own), please include the grade range of your children and your email address. We will post this information in our newsletter in order to help make those connections (so please do not share any specific information such as children’s names, location, or phone numbers).
Thank you,
Ashley & Don